Hey everyone im Pipsqueak (also known as Pip) a young earth pony foal who recently moved to Pony ville from Trottingham. I first appeared trick-or-treating with a group of fillies, at Twilight's Library, wearing a pirate costume, and I tell Twilight its my first Nightmare Night ever. When talking to Twilight, I use a British accent, but I decide to drop it later in the episode. I join a group of fillies chaperoned by Pinkie Pie, which follows Zecora while she tells the story of Night Mare Moon. When Princess Luna appears, I get scared and dump my candy in front of Night Mare Moon's statue along with the rest of the group and we all run off. The other time I am shown is when Princess Luna saves me when I fall into Applejack's water apple barrel. I was startled when Pinkie Pie said she'll eat me and eventually I ran off again. As my name suggests, (Pipsqueak) I am smaller than the other ponies. My light-colored coat has patches of color on it, unlike most ponies in the show who have a solid-color coat (a pattern called "paint" or "pinto" in real horses). I am hoping to get an invite into this clan because i do not enjoy being a smaller pony wandering the servers of AC by myself, With the help of the rest of the ponys I may be able to play in peace for the rest of time. P.S I am not a dragon in disguise.