Hello There Ponies!
Unfortunately, i won't be joining you fabulous happy ponies .. but i just thought i would come an introduce myself because you all seem so nice!
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Haha! that was my best attempt at drawing a Pony face ^.^
Anyways ...
I am Pluto* i have been playing AssaultCube for around 1 year now, and i think i have pretty much learnt it all (I just can't put all the skills together very well)
Eehm. i was appointed here by Fluttershy, the kindest Pony i have met so far ... he is always very nice to me and always there to help :)
I guess if i was to chose/be a My Little Pony, it would have to be Rainbow Dash :-)
You guys have done a fantastic job of the website, and i really like the Pony's that fly around the screen and do cool things *-*