Well fellow Ponies...I guess it is time to introduce myself too 
A few facts:
Applejack is a reliable and hard-working pony, although headstrong about doing things on her own.
Though Applejack is normally kind and considerate, she sometimes lacks patience with aggressive or rude behavior and returns it in kind...
She is an accomplished herder, and she is Twilight's first choice when she is looking for a way to herd the Parasprites out of Ponyville in Swarm of the Century. She stops a cow stampede in Applebuck Season with only the help of her herding dog Winona.
Her skills at "applebucking", harvesting apple trees by kicking them with her hind legs, are superb: even when extraordinarily sleep-deprived, she is usually capable of knocking all apples off a tree with one kick while leaving the tree apparently intact in Applebuck Season. In comparison, the residents of Appleloosa only knock off several apples per kick in Over a Barrel.
A real problem solver, and incredibly honest, she is the go-to pony for advice. Charming to the core, this country girl is a friend indeed!
End of Advertising Blurb :)